Official WordPress-Plugin: Chidoo Quizmaster is a collection of educational quiz apps. Activate and configure any available app easily in your WordPress backend.
Shortcode, API, Extensibility
Each Quizmaster app provides a single shortcode for integration in a page. The plugin is highly extensible, you are able to create custom applications based on the plug-in’s framework.
QuizMaster Memory
Chidoo Quizmaster comes with a default application, the Quizmaster Memory, an educational game for learning musical notes in various octave ranges. See below.

Chidoo QuizMaster in action
This is the configuration panel for the memory game. Choose between various card sets.
Select the number of pairs within the game and also, choose the activation or deactivation of the energy mode.
The energy mode allows you to play against a certain number of tries only.

The Game Play
This is the game itself in action. You can see the energy mode at 25%.
But luckily there is only one pair left to open up!
The set shown consists of notes and corresponding note names. Note the given octave range at certain note names (e.g. d‘)

Game Over!!!
All done. And wow, still energy left! All six pairs found in time.
You get the summary of your tries, fails and a quota.
Have a try?
Try yourself: QuizMaster Memory: